Sunday, June 16, 2019

Do Catholics Believe In The Rapture

  • Called To Communion - 2/20/18- Pre-tribulation Rapture in Catholicism?

    What\'s stopping you from becoming Catholic? Catholic catechist, writer and speaker, Dr. David Anders talks lovingly but clearly with non-Catholics & fallen-away ...
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  • What is the Catholic Belief on the End of the World? Tim Staples is Director of Apologetics and Evangelization here at Catholic Answers, but he was not always Catholic. Tim was raised a ...
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  • The Greatest Surprise: Jesus' Second Coming

    What will it be like for us when Christ comes again? Will it be a great surprise, or will it be more like an unwelcome Halloween scare? Father Mike Schmitz ...
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  • The End Times - the Catholic View

    In this presentation Robert Haddad analyses Scripture concerning the End Times to provide a sober assessment touching on the future tribulation, the identity of ...
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  • No Apologies #111 - The Ruptured Rapture

    Ave Maria! Most fundamentalist teach their belief in the rapture, where those who are to be saved are taken silently up to the heavens to be with Christ before the ...
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  • What Does the Bible Teach about the Rapture?

    Is the rapture taught in the Bible? What is Paul teaching in 1 Corinthians 15:51 and 1 Thessalonians 4:13? What does it mean to be left behind? With some new ...
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  • Is there such a thing as the Rapture?

    Do Catholics believe in the rapture?
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  • What Is the Rapture? // Ask Pastor John

    Will Christians be raptured before the tribulation? Or will we rise to meet the Lord only at his final coming? Advent is a season for waiting. Of course, we are not ...
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  • No Catholic Rapture

    In this video I show that the Roman Catholic Church teaches that \"Christians\" go through the 7 year Great Tribulation. I show their own website, where a Catholic ...
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  • 62: Catholic View of the End Times and Tribulation

    My goal this week is to look at the Catholic view of the End Times and Tribulation – especially the five signs that the Catholic Church identifies as signaling the ...
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  • The One True Faith : The Rapture An excerpt from the Catholic television program \'The One True Faith\'. Millions of people are expecting to be taken from the earth ...
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  • Bishop Robert Barron on The Book of Revelation

    Another part of a video series from Bishop Barron will be commenting on subjects from modern day culture. For more visit ...
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  • Rapture & The Bible Catholic Response

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  • United Methodist Beliefs: Rapture Many people wonder about the end times. United Methodist the Rev. Alfred Day suggests we ask instead how we can live into \'the ...
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  • Catholic Priest persecution & the rapture heresy

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  • Dr. Brown and Prof. Craig Keener: Why We Don’t Believe in a Pre-Trib Rapture

    Stand with us: 03-11-19 Dr. Brown and Dr. Keener discuss their new book Not Afraid of the Antichrist: Why We Don\'t Believe in a ...
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  • The Rapture Files - Tim Staples (former baptist pastor and now catholic apologist)

    (Saint Joseph Communications) Timothy Staples a former baptist, former assembly of God pastor and now catholic apologist explains this belief of protestant ...
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  • Doctrine of the Last Things Part 2: The Rapture View | William Lane Craig

    For more resources visit: Defenders is Dr William Lane Craig\'s weekly Sunday school class on Christian doctrine and apologetics ...
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  • Why Evangelical Christians Love Israel | VICE on HBO

    Thomas Morton joined a group of born again Christians as they toured the Holy Land and found out the real reason why they support Israel. This is the episode ...
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  • The Book of Revelation Explained in Under 5 Minutes

    Please watch: \"The ONE Thing Every Christian Should Be Doing But Most Are NOT!\" --~-- THE BOOK OF ...
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